Tuesday 21 May 2013

Chip tuning for an improved experience on the road

Your car can reach its full potential through lifting restrictions placed on its engine control unit by the manufacturer. A small memory chip can be tuned for a much better driving experience – this modification is completely safe and you will be amazed at the difference.

When you are out on the road you want your car to be performing at its maximum potential so you can get to where you need to be quickly and efficiently and enjoy the thrill of driving which is something that we can all relate to. You may not realise it but there is a good chance that your car is underperforming and you could be enjoying more power, a cleaner emission or better fuel efficiency amongst other things. There will be restrictions on your engine control unit however which will restrict your cars performance, and this is so that it can still be driven by anyone with poor service schedules or who use low quality fuels.

There is something that you can do however to lift these restrictions and have a greatly improved driving experience. Your engine control unit (ECU) will have a read only memory chip on it, and this can be changed or modified so that your car can perform to its full potential. This type of modification is called chip tuning– it is perfectly safe and carried out all the time. If you want to have a better driving experience through unleashing your car’s full potential then consider getting this tuning done today – there are tons of places you can have it completed in a quick, safe and efficient manner throughout the UK.

Unlock your car’s potential with an ECU remap

Engine control units have restrictions placed on them by car manufacturers so that they can be driven by everyone, but this limits your car’s performance which can be frustrating. Lift these restrictions and experience your car’s full potential with an engine control unit remap for the vehicle.

There is a very good chance that the car that you drive is underperforming, and there is something that you can do to reach faster speeds as well as better dynamics and handling. Your driving experience can be greatly enhanced through engine tuning, which simply involves lifting the restrictions that your car manufacturer put on the engine control unit (ECU). This may sound like a bit of a risk at first, however these restrictions are only used so that the car can be used by those that use low quality fuel or have a poor service schedule – if this doesn’t apply to you then there is no reason as to why you should have these restrictions when you are out on the road.

Modern day engines have a high tolerance and are tuned all the time, and car manufacturers will remap a cars engine control unit so that they will have a variety of outputs so that they can be sold at different prices. This means that this kind of work is done all the time and is very safe and also reliable, and if it sound like something that you want done to your car then don’t hesitate and get an ECU remap for your vehicle today. There are garages and mechanics all over the UK who will be able to carry this work out for you – they have all the necessary experience and expertise to get the job done quickly and efficiently.